BIAMI Core Commands
BIAMI Core is the main engine to manage and run automation requests. It executes automation processes via scripts with defined parameters in stages.
BIAMI Core is included in both BIAMI Dev and BIAMI Enterprise Edition.
You can freely move your designed automation between Dev and EE without making any changes.
A list of available commands:
Default setting, processes all new requests with requested parameters or displays available options if there’s nothing to process. -
Adds new request for defined task (=automation process) with option to request specific stage of the task list only (for testing purposes) and update context via setting values for specific parameters. -
Remote request
Adds new request for defined task (=automation process) from remote repository. -
Update existing and download additional missing execution scripts. -
Executes specific individual task. -
Mark task as done
Does exactly what it says. It can be used to debug broken processes or to mark human tasks as done. -
Process the same tasks multiple times with different parameters locally or remotely. -
Import new task
Imports a new process from import.tsv file based in temp directory. -
Remove task
Removes tasks from task list. -
Display help information for specific process (taskid). -
Debug mode
Run task execution in debug mode. -
Log mode
Run task execution and save execution history in a log file. -
Displays version of your BIAMI installation.
Blocking some of core features
Some core features can be blocked by placing specific files in core folder. Currently supported: noprocess, noimport, noremove, noupdate, noforce, nosoap, nogettasklist, nodone, noremote.Repositories
You can have local repository of your task lists as well as remote repositories. Remote repositories can be publicly available to anyone, have security-policy restricted access or password protected.BIAMI Dev Screen listing core commands:
~/bin/core$ ./
I have nothing to do here...
You can:
- add new request: ./ --context_param cmd=request --context_param taskid={} [--context_param stage={}] [--context_param xx=xx]
use cmd=requestprocess to request and process at the same time
use task={} instead of taskid={} to request the most recent version
use cmd=remoterequest and add --context_param repo={} to request task from remote repository
- import a new task from ../temp/import.tsv file: ./ --context_param cmd=import
use cmd=importclean to remove import.tsv file after import
use cmd=importupdate to update plugins after import
add --context_param script={url} to import script from remote repository
add --context_param taskid={} to read script location from technical name
- view task help: ./ --context_param cmd=help --context_param taskid={}
add --context_param repo={} for help on task in remote repo
- remove task: ./ --context_param cmd=remove --context_param taskid={}
use --context_param task={task} to remove the most recent version of the task
you need to create {taskid} or {task} file in temp directory
- update and download missing plugins: ./ --context_param cmd=update
- clean database and logs: ./ --context_param cmd=clean
- manually mark task as done: ./ --context_param cmd=done --context_param requestid={} --context_param taskid={}
- batch process with parameters from ../temp/{}.tsv or ../temp/{task}.tsv file: ./ --context_param cmd=batch --context_param taskid={} or --context_param task={task}
use add=batch{} to execute any command in batch process
use cmd=remotebatch to execute batch on remote servers with parameters from ../temp/{repo}.{taskid}.tsv file
- run in debug mode: add --context_param mode=debug or mode=debugparam
- create log files: add --context_param mode=log
- add new request via web service: {host}:{port}/core_0.10/services/core?method=runJob&arg1=--context_param%20cmd=request&arg2=--context_param%20taskid={} Enterprise Edition only.
- display data in SOAP web service: use cmd=soapprocess or cmd=soaprequestprocess Enterprise Edition only.
- display task list in SOAP web service: use cmd=gettasklist Enterprise Edition only.
- find out more about Enterprise Edition at or contact us at [email protected]
Task list:
2 - your_automation_task
[BIAMI Remote Repository]
7 - WordPress+MySQL/MariaDB FTP Backup
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