In this page, you can find a record of all the changes made to this project such as bug fixes, new features, etc.
- Version 0.10.1: April 12, 2023
- Version 0.10: March 16, 2021
- Version 0.9: December 28, 2018
- Version 0.8.1: June 17, 2017
- Version 0.8: April 6 2017
- Version 0.7: December 7, 2016
- Version 0.6: August 17, 2016
- Version 0.5: January 15, 2016
- Version 0.4: September 13, 2015
- Version 0.3: May 12, 2015
- Version 0.2: April 19, 2015
- Version 0.1.5: March 17, 2015
- Version 0.1.4: March 10, 2015
- Version 0.1.3: February 28, 2015
- Version 0.1.2: February 22, 2015
- Version 0.1.1: February 19, 2015
- Version 0.1: February 15, 2015
Version 0.10.1April 12, 2023
- improvement: overall automation performance
- improvement: param_set – support for utf-8 encoding
- improvement: better debugging and logs
- improvement: readme.txt info update
- minor improvements and bug fixes
Version 0.10 March 16, 2021
- new feature: mode=debugparam to display parameters in debug mode
- new feature: mode=process to increase the speed of automation at scale (Enterprise Edition)
- improvement: horizontal scaling (Enterprise Edition)
- fixed: param_set doesn’t change the value if the file is empty in some instances
- fixed: param_if sign=isnot doesn’t work in some instances
- fixed: parameters are not working correctly in some instances
- fixed: cmd=soap doesn’t work in some instances
- fixed: cmd=import doesn’t import tasks properly in some instances
- minor improvements and bug fixes
Version 0.9December 28, 2018
- new feature: param_if to handle conditions within the process
- new feature: param_set to change dynamic parameter value in the process
- new feature: new parameter: now = current date/time in format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”
- new feature: loop folder for embedded batch processes
- improvement: all plugins work in temp folder
- improvement: {task}.tsv file for batch process
- improvement: cmd=remove task=xx to remove the most recent task
- improvement: advanced performance tweaking features
- improvement: plugin name convention
- minor improvements and bug fixes
Version 0.8.1June 17, 2017
- new feature: remotebatch to execute any command remotely in batch
- improvement: batch can execute any command now
- improvement: more detailed information in logs
- fixed: request for task={} doesn’t work
Version 0.8April 6 2017
- new feature: use task name as an alternative to task id to request the most recent version of the task
- new feature: add –context_param taskid={} when import to read script url from technical name
- new feature: prefix parameter, add –context_param prefix=[prefix] to add prefix before all task execution lines
- new feature: suffix parameter, add –context_param suffix=[suffux] to add suffix at the end of task execution lines
- new feature: add cmd=clean to clean database and logs with completed tasks
- improvement: debug mode in batch process
- improvement: batch removes existing batch file if exist
- improvement: execute cmd=update to update all plugins after import
- improvement: noimport file to disable import options
- fixed: batch process doesn’t execute properly when there is a space in the parameter
- many improvements to better support Windows
Version 0.7December 7, 2016
- improvement:dynamic parameters need to be within ||| , for example: run_command=ls -l *.|||ext|||
- improvement:cmd=update updates script repository
- improvement:cmd=import Hint: use cmd=cleanimport to remove import.tsv file after imported
- improvement:cmd=import Hint: use script={url} to import script from the web so you can import files directly from Google Spreadsheet, GitHub, etc.
Version 0.6August 17, 2016
- new feature: WINDOWS support (beta)
- new feature: dynamic parameters for all plugins
- new feature: remote task repositories with public or restricted access
- new feature: display task list as SOAP webservice
- new feature: help files for tasks
- new feature: remove task from repository
- new feature: block individual or multiple commands (process, import, remove, update, force, soap, gettasklist, done and remote)
- new feature: hardcode values for individual or multiple dynamic parameters within your task
- improvement: import dynamic parameters together with tasks from TSV task file
- improvement: even easier way to create custom plugins
- improvement: run_command and do_nothing doesn’t require external plugin anymore
- improvement: database directory is called db now
- new plugin: wait to sleep for set or random number of seconds
- new plugins: http_request and http_request_auth to call tasks from remote repositories
- fixed: you can use space char in paramaters
- fixed: timestamp change after new value updates for parameters
- minor fixes in plugins
Version 0.5January 15, 2016
- new feature: hidden parameters for advanced users
- improved debug mode
- improved performance tuning
- BIAMI branding
Version 0.4September 13, 2015
- new feature: display data in SOAP web service format from temp/(requestid)_soap.tsv file
- new feature: display request id in web service request
- new feature: debug mode added to a web service
- new script: soap plugin
- fixed: run_command plugin to be able to finish task when deployed as a web service
- even more performance improvements
Version 0.3May 12, 2015
- new feature: enterprise code to use VSOSS as a web service with Apache Tomcat
- fixed: init
Version 0.2April 19, 2015
- new feature: initial database and plugins are downloaded from internet during first run
- new feature: update to update existing and download additional required plugins
- new feature: requestprocess to request and process at the same time
- new feature: batch process
- new script: human task plugin to include human tasks in the task list/process
- new script: ssh command plugin to execute tasks on remote computers/servers
- fixed: tasks are marked as done after execution and not at the beginning of the stage
Version 0.1.5March 17, 2015
- fixed: import from tsv file with parameter that has many equals signs.
Version 0.1.4March 10, 2015
- new feature: request with additional parameters will change default context parameter value
- fixed: changed init db file from pro_cess_new.db to pro_cess_init.db
- fixed: import doesn’t import whole parameter with more than one equality sign
Version 0.1.3February 28, 2015
- fixed: import changed from .csv to .tsv file to handle double quotes properly
- fixed: ftp_upload now uploads subdirectories too
Version 0.1.2February 22, 2015
- new feature: run_command can have parameters passed from context
- fixed: run_command can handle white spaces now, see post
- fixed: request id is now passed together with task id to every task
- fixed: “mark as done” to create file with request id and task id
- fixed: no need to add all parameters after task execution again
Version 0.1.1February 19, 2015
- new feature: import new task list (process) from csv file
- new feature: debug mode
- new: Process Template on google docs
- extended: display all available features when running from shell when there’s no requests to be processed
Version 0.1February 15, 2015
- dir global parameter added
- dir is passed with every script execution
- do_nothing script changed to use dir parameter
- download_file script changed to use dir parameter
- new script: run_command to execute any command
- new script: ftp_download to download files using FTP
- new script: ftp_upload to upload files using FTP